How to enable sound for latest retropie on Digi Dock V1 Pi3b or Pi4 1. Flash the latest retropie image for your device here 2. Make the needed changes for language wifi etc in raspiconfig (don't change any configs beside those) 3. Hit the start button to go to the menu in emulationstation. 4. Select Exit Emulationstation.So you're now in Console terminal. 5. Type alsamixer 6. Now choose the audio card that's the usb one Press press Fn F6 to select all devices and select the usb one(note the number in this case we will use 2) 7.Now change the volume to 100% 8.Exit alsamixer pressing escape key.So you are now back into the console terminal. 9. Type sudo nano /etc/asound.conf (note the spaces) you're now in Nano Editor in the file you've created 10. Now type these 3 lines making sure the correct number is the usb device you selected in alsamixer defaults.ctl.card 2 defaults.pcm.card 2 defaults.timer.card 2 11. To save the file you can use press CTRL+O then press enter. 12. To quit nano you can use CTRL+X. 13. Type reboot. 14. Remember you will need to expand your partition via raspiconfig option under advance settings expand partition then reboot raspiconfig can be found in retropie options.